Posted on 11 July 2023 / 4
Category PREVENTION / Safety moment
Sector Métallurgie - Sidérurgie
Of : 11 July 2023
Start time 13h30
I will handle a load: have I prepared the intervention to avoid risks? NC
I will work at height: am I protected from the risk of falling: Yes
I will work near a railway track or a moving machine: am I protected from a collision? : NC
I will intervene on a machine or equipment: Am I protected by a consignment? (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical): Yes
I will intervene in gas risk areas: do I have a detector available? : NC
I am going to enter a confined space: I know and respect the procedure (permit)? : NC
Am I protected from moving organs? : Yes
Am I protected from different potential energies? : OuI
Am I protected from interference with other work? (above, below, next to it): Yes
Are the access and conditions compatible with the work to be performed? (Lighting, access and clear exits,..) : Yes
Are the equipment and tools I will use adequate? : OuI
Do I have the right personal protective equipment? : OuI
Work Authorization number 15032023cmfi+az11
Access Authorization:
Security tagging:
Personal padlock:
Helmet with chinstrap:
Gas / Explo detector:
Protective gloves:
Secure passages:
Fall protection:
Fireproof work clothing:
Authorized personnel:
Risk of falling:
Working at height:
Hand tools:
Instrument / Analysis / Measurement:


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